Keeping pets safe this holiday season
Holiday Food Don’ts Rocking around the Christmas tree is great, but don’t let the sight of all those presents and glittering lights distract you from your pets whereabouts relative to the dinner table. Emergency vets are very busy around the holidays. A well-meaning guest might slip Spike a turkey leg or leave a box of […]
To vaccinate or not? More is not necessarily better
By Amanda K. Vogt It is Spring, almost summer, and it’s time for your pet’s annual wellness check. But does your veterinary appointment or annual mailed reminder include vaccines or revaccines (boosters) for rabies, distemper and a whole jumble of daunting multi-lettered vaccines you don’t even recognize? If it does, you might want to ask […]
Is It Cancer? Detecting the Big C in Our Pets
By Amanda K. Vogt Cancer is the leading cause of disease-related deaths in pets, so it is fitting that May — annual pet check-up time — is Pet Cancer Awareness Month. Approximately 30 percent of dogs die from some form of cancer, usually in their later years. Cancer is less common in cats, but when […]